What if you share a chimney with your neighbour?

In some older properties, two different householders share the same chimney. If a fault appears on your side of the chimney does this mean you have to repair your neighbour’s chimney too?

Absolutely not. In this example we were able to repair our customer’s side of the chimney making sure their property was protected.

At no time did we do any damage to the neighbour’s chimney. We made our client’s property safe and kept up a good relationship with their neighbour.

Uncomplicated Roof Repair

When faced with problems on our roof they can seem extremely challenging. We may think they will be very expensive to sort out. Or they may seem complicated to repair.

If that is how you feel, always give us a call and we will provide a free quote. Our quote will include the best solution for your situation and, of course, the most cost effective.

Because we understand that there is enough complication in life and a watertight roof over our head is one of the basics we need.

Can We Help You?

So call now for your free quote and peace of mind on 07813 016472 or 01691 777321